How To Make A

How To Make A "Fancy" Pen Display Case

 Here's an easy way to display your treasured (fountain) pens. Plus, I'll share my current fountain pen collection with you, if interes…

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A mini update

~ Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp ~

Hello, friends! Happy Monday! 

I know it's been a little quiet around here, and I apologize. So I thought I'd fill you in on what's been going on lately...

Within this month I accepted a new job promotion. Yay! Talk about a great way to start the year, right? However, just as I get this new promotion my counterpart also gets her promotion and transfers out of the city, thus, leaving me short-handed. Being short-handed has lead me to cover a few tasks after hours until the replacement gets hired, so I haven't been getting home until 9-10 pm. These late hours means little to no blogging time, and instead, catching up on much needed sleep.

Once things get back in order, though, I can't wait to start sharing all these posts I have built up. Man, do I have so many!

Here are a few things to look forward to:
- My filofax is getting used to the max, in which I plan on showing my current set-up.
- I still have to show you my two notebooks I picked up from Korea. Geez, that was like, what, 6 months ago?? 
- My hobonichi notebook has been getting some journaling time, too, which I'm so glad I purchased this year. It's a new part of my morning meditation, which I'll also be touching up on.
- Came across some books that I've enjoyed reading.
- Found some new crafting supplies that I'm obsessed with!
- And so much more! 

By they way, if you don't use Instagram, I suggest you do! It's a great way to gain inspiration from friends, followers, and others in that community. You can find so many other people with similar interests and hobbies! Those hashtags really do come in handy, #Genius. If I'm not here posting, I'm usually over there, @seaweedkisses, chit-chatting away and sinking into the never-ending hole.

Hope your new year has been off to a great start!


  1. Congrats on the promotion! Happy new year xo

    1. Thank you so much! Happy New Year to you as well!

  2. Well done on the promotion - hope the workload eases up soon so you can enjoy it!

    1. Appreciate it, Jen! I hope so, too!

  3. Congrats girly! Hopefully everything will even out soon, I know the feeling as I had gone through something similar not to long ago!

    1. Thank you so much! It's exciting, and I'm really happy. Just can't wait to wind down and relax...

  4. Congratulations on the promotion! Hope things settle down for you quickly!!

    1. Thank you for all of your support, Jessica! It really is appreciated!

  5. congrats on the promotion and i hope someone comes in soon! in the meantime get lots of rest! looking forward to all the posts that are slated to come!

    1. Thank you so much, Jane! Looking forward to sharing all of my upcoming posts, too!

  6. Wow, what an amazing way to start the year.
    Don't work yourself too hard now, but good luck with everything!
    Can't wait for the other posts when you get a chance.

    Keep looking up!

    1. Thank you! What a great jump start on the new year, right! So excited for the new challenge and experience!

  7. Go you! Congratulations lovely, that's amazzzing!!!


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