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My daily planner

Since this 2013 year is almost over it was time to start looking for a new daily planner. This pink one I bought in Korea a few years back has really came in handy and held up so well. Now that my everyday life requires some type of daily productivity, I rely on my planner so much for schedules, appointments, meetings, errands, emails, etc. I personally can't be without it and don't want to let it go!

Now on to the replacement. Although, with smartphones taking over the world, is it weird that I still rely on the old fashion pen and paper?


  1. i love using paper planners too! this is such a cute one :)
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  2. oh it´s so cute! love it :)

  3. I also bring my daily planner everywhere. I feel more comfortable with pen and paper, I need stickers and stamps in my weeks!!!
    P.S.: I don't like pink but I love your daily planner!

  4. Not at all! I actually think that having a manual planner is good for you.
    Preserving the old school is good for your motor skills, and plus they're so awesome.
    Your planner looks so stacked and well used. Organized in all of its packed madness.
    When I get my own, I hope to overuse it just the same.

    1. Yes, it is madness in which I'll be able to reflect back on myself and chuckle at what I was doing with my life. I came across a planner from 2004, and it's funny reading what I considered "priorities" back in my teen years.

  5. it is definitely not weird michelle!
    the daily planner can raise much more creativity than the gadgets i believe, and isn't it fun to cut and paste stuffs and stick stickers or tapes on the planners :-D

    1. You're so right. It does help spark creativity and ideas within me. I think that's why I've been able to stay committed to my agenda planners all these years.

  6. I have used both for a few years now, I love doing it and won't change x

  7. Actually, I'm considering moving back from a smartphone to a paper planner. More permanent record to pass on to my kids and (when they come) grandkids, and, frankly, finding an app that reminds me the way I want one too is, frankly, becoming a pain in the neck. I used paper for years. And, so, I'm thinking about going back.

  8. No it's not weird at all! I do all my planning on paper, and use electroncis as the "do" part of the system.

  9. I have used Korean diaries exclusively for the past 5 years. I just received my new one a couple weeks ago. I ordered from: Great selection of journals/diaries. I bought this one for the new year: Journal J's are great!

    1. Thank you so much for your recommendation! I'll definitely take a look around that site as I'm sure I'm bound to find something. Korean stationery and planners are so hard to steer away from, right?


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